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Тени БогаВыступления и интервью автораКо дню рождения В.Кина

Ко дню рождения В.Кина

Incidentally, tomorrow V.Kin will celebrate another "non-round" date somewhere around 140 years. He`s fit @ sound, and sincerely wishes to you all, friends and readers of our Sites, the same. It suddenly occurred to us: it is great occasion to hear, along with apparent sympathies, something else and important in regard to our popular Sites. Nothing easier - just write to www.vkin @ mail.ru.

And something more, by the end of this March V.Kin plans to tour around China, including staying for 2-3 days in Beijing. Those interested could make the most out of unique opportunity:

* order and receive directly from the Author (only one, alas, but a complete and not at all free), set of 9 books "Shadows of God" (in Russian),

* also choose videofilms (on your choice, of course, and also not free),

* in the bargain you`ll be granted a few drops of "elixir of youth",

* above all, surely, autograph is guaranteed!

OK, we`ll gratefully apprehend your e-mail. In particular fix, where our meeting would be possible and necessary. More details`ll announce later - early March.

Sincerely yours, Valery Kin.


Дата: 31.01.2011 00:53 (Прочтено: 1222)
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