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Тени БогаВыступления и интервью автораi-TV-i. Moscow announces a unique contest in 2012

i-TV-i. Moscow announces a unique contest in 2012

So, "i-TV-i".Moscow announces a unique contest in 2012, and virtually anyone can take part in it. The main task is to depict a portrait of immortal person.

We are ready to consider works done in any creative manner ~ obviously, unique challenge calls for unique solutions.

The contest will be held up to September 30. Works should be sent to following email address: itvi.moscow @ mail.ru. Respected Jury agreed to lead prominent artist, perhaps best known in this country and abroad, an expert on stamps and miniatures B.Ilyuhin.

Those works, which will be announced as victorious, will be included in original branded series of postage stamps - a block. Depending on quantity and quality of works submitted for contest, unique artistic album may subsequently be issued. It will also include most interesting materials of forthcoming in February International Forum "Global Future 2045".

In addition, Valery Kin will hold interviews with our winners, and they will be broadcast by "iTVi" and, most likely, Global TV.

We wish success to all participants of this very unique international contest 2012.

Valery Kin. 15/2/2012.

Дата: 15.02.2012 02:44 (Прочтено: 1361)
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